For the longest time, I've had a perpetual To Do list. Of course I would complete tasks in a timely manner, but there were some that just never got accomplished, such as organizing my iGoogle page. Finally the time has come! I am so grateful that this opportunity has come in the form of an assignment. Here's to crossing off this task!
Here's my WGO iGoogle tab. It seems pretty busy, but it is way more streamlined than my iGoogle HOME tab. I like the fact that I can see all 3 of my twitter accounts in one place. Unfortunately I must use 3 different gadgets in order to be logged into all of the accounts at the same time.
Having a Google Notebook gadget is very useful. Not knowing the compatibility with Safari Firefox on Mac, I usually use Google Notebook on my personal tablet PC and work computer. This helps me to save articles and clips from webpages in one location. Adding it to my iGoogle page allows me to access my clips from anywhere.
There isn't much going on with the FSO tab. I have linked the FSO log in, mail log in, and the Wimba sign in pages. I'm pretty sure I will add links for the library, Writing Center, and others in the future.
I never noticed the Blogger gadget for iGoogle before. It's pretty convenient. I can certainly see using this gadget. As we study more Web 2.0 tools, I am sure my link box will grow.
Perhaps having Google Reader on my ETC tab will encourage me to catch up with reading some of my 1000+ unread articles.
I'm pretty interested in seeing my AR/CBL tab after this course is done. In preparing for the Literature Review, I'm sure my use of the box of links will increase dramatically. One thing that I noticed is the delicious gadget by Ginga wasn't working. I've placed a Lab Pixies gadget in the tab for now.
I'm pretty interested in seeing my AR/CBL tab after this course is done. In preparing for the Literature Review, I'm sure my use of the box of links will increase dramatically. One thing that I noticed is the delicious gadget by Ginga wasn't working. I've placed a Lab Pixies gadget in the tab for now.
I plan to use Listy and set up a list for each month of my AR timeline. This will allow me to complete tasks as well as add more details to the list as necessary. From last month's Wimba with Dr. Ludgate, I noticed students further along in the EMDT program mentioning a disconnect between courses and the AR project. They said they felt as if they were doing course work and did not know how to schedule time to do their project other than for the required AR blog. Just by setting up a few lists, I think I should be able to better manage my time.
Google Notebook may come in handy on the AR tab. I understand that I can keep up with article quotes and references and when I retrieve articles using pencil and paper, but Notebook will actually state when I saved the quote or reference.
As for my MLT and EDE tabs, I've already loaded my bookmarks full of folders. I can easily pull those links and post them to a box of links. I haven't made it to saving them with delicious, but that may be an option as well. I think the iGoogle tabs would be a great place to house my final projects (if they are Web based) for each course. This would make it so easy to reference when putting a professional portfolio together.
I can't wait to get fully engrossed in my iGoogle tabs. I've been using iGoogle for years, but I never imagined using it for my school work to create a professional learning environment.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing so much, Erica!